The Lakes Area Gymnastics Booster Club

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March 2014 Meeting Minutes


Lakes Area Gymnastics Booster Club Minutes


The Monthly Meeting of the Lakes Area Gymnastics Booster Club was held on 3/19/14at 6pm at Perham High School. Officers Present: Brian Martinson, President: Alanna Burns, Secretary: Dan Meyer, Treasurer; June Kovar, voting member. Other members present: Mike Peterson.
Meeting Called to Order: 6:00pm by Brian Martinson
Secretary’s Report: Minutes were dispersed via email for the month of February and approved by Brian, seconded by June.
Treasurer’s report: Dan dispersed treasurer’s report. Approved by Brian, seconded by Alanna. Dan moved $5,000 from checking to savings and brought up the fact that we need new signers on record at the bank for the savings account. Alanna motioned that Dan Meyer, Brian Martinson and Shawn Peichel be added onto the savings account at United Community Bank and that the old names be removed from account. Seconded by June Kovar.
Sign Campaign: A list of sponsors due, paid and not paid, were disbursed via email by Shawn and printed by Alanna for meeting. Brian suggested we leave the signs up for now and contact the businesses owing face to face to get them to remain a sponsor.
Website / Facebook: Nothing new to add. Alanna will start thanking sponsors again on Facebook now that a more updated list is provided.
Old business:
Bylaws are still being worked on. Brian proposed that a group of board members drive to Fergus Falls to meet with the liaison from West Central Initiative to make sure we are on the right track. Brian will check into date and email members.
Dan will check into a debit card for the booster club as a credit card won’t work.
Butter Braid sales made a profit of $2605.00. Down $160 from last year. 26 families participated. Top sellers were 1- Bernstetter, 2 – McAllister, 3- Burns. Need someone to take over Butter Braid Fundraiser for next spring. Sara proposed that the club purchase a $75 gift card to Wal-Mart, 2 gymnastic t-shirts (already in stock) $6 to add names to back for 1 place prize. Also proposed a $20 Walmart gift card for the movie Frozen and gift card for Goose Gang $25 for the 2 prize. Third prize was donated by Julie Vomacka and it a WI gymnastic pack. Dan motioned to approve, June seconded.
Sections update: equipment moving went well, very good crown in attendance. T shirt sales made a profit of $1100.55. $3859 in sales, $2216.50 to long weekend, and $219.89 to Jody’s sister for purchasing sweat pants along with $79.96 and $242.10 to Martinson’s for sweat pants. Still waiting for 2 orders to be paid.
Year End Banquet:
Mike has a tentative date of Sunday, March 30 set at the Cactus with a proposed time of 1pm. He will confirm this with Jenna and an email will go out. He will also talk to Jenna about sending out invitations to upcoming 7 graders and families. Dean is currently working on video, still needing pics and videos. When day and time is confirmed Alanna will send an email to all members with an email contact an invite to banquet. Will also post on Face book. Need someone to be in charge of getting welcome gifts for 7 graders. Welcome packets will also be handed out that day.

The Montella All State Elite banner is now paid and needs to be hung up.
2013 sections banner is not paid for but will be by Dan as he has invoice. Banner is now hung.
New Business:
Spring show and awards: Usually held mid-May. Ashley will need to be brought up to date on years past. Someone from Booster Club will meet with her to discuss and she can decide how she wants to run it from there.
Date for next meeting: April 16, 2014 at High School Cafeteria.
Adjourned by Brian at 6:33, Dan seconded.

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