Lakes Area Gymnastics Booster Club Minutes
The Monthly Meeting in combination with the Annual Meeting of the Lakes Area Gymnastics Booster Club was held on 12/18/2013 at 6pm at SteVelly’s. Officers Present: Brian Martinson, President: Shawn Piechel, Vice President: Alanna Burns, Secretary: Dan Meyer, Treasurer: Other members present: Sara Piechel and Dean Bahls
Meeting Called to Order: 6:08pm by Brian Martinson
Secretary’s Report: Minutes were dispersed via email for the month of November and approved with no changes, motioned by Shawn, Dan seconded.
Treasurer’s report: Dan has yet to move the $5,000 from checking to savings and will do by year end. Shawn motioned to approve treasures report, Alanna Seconded.
Sign Campaign: In January, letters will be printed and preferably hand delivered. A stamped addressed envelope will accompany the letter. Please email Shawn with any new names you would like him to add to the list as potential sign sponsors. At January meeting, members will pick sponsors to visit.
Brian handed out posters to all sponsors. Maybe next year move up sign campaign to November. Send thank you letters out at state time.
Website / Facebook: Alanna has been in contact with Mariann about options using HTML code or purchasing site from Hokanson’s. Dean Bahls has agreed to help take over the website with help.
Old Business:
Bylaws update: Still need to be reviewed. January is the dead line set by Brian and Dean.
Leo exchange is tentatively set for January 27 and 29 at the high school. More info to follow from Cindy and Jen.
Brian will check with Boedy appliance and Karvonens about a used refrigerator for gym. Everyone to keep an eye out for a used trailer that we can use for aluminum can fundraising.
Jackie Mann update:
Tshirts made a profit of $217.60, concessions made $612.50 but still need to pay for chips and seasoning ($76.19), Posters: there was approximately $75 plus $12 in tip jar made from the posters and $184 profit from keychains and left over shirts and window clings. The boosters are not in charge of concessions for sections and we will not be doing shout outs. Dan to ask Erin Anderson if we can sell tshirts at sections hosted by Perham in February.
Leo fundraiser sold $930 worth. We still need bill from GK. Unknown profit at this time.
New Business:
Dan will check into a debit card for organization with UCB.
Parents / HS sr. night at home meet against Fergus Falls January 28; Alanna will email Jenna for ideas on parents gifts. Brian motioned that we could spend $5 on each, Shawn seconded. (approximately $90 total) . There are 2 seniors on the FF team and on on Perham (Montana). Brian motioned for $100 to be spent on Montana and $10 for each FF senior. Shawn seconded.
Butter braids will be sold again starting in January. Prizes will be perham bucks to top sellers.
Discussion regarding Sections Meet (Alanna had to leave at this time)
Next meeting to be on January 15. Alanna to double check on SteVelly’s availability.