The Lakes Area Gymnastics Booster Club

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Feb 2014 Meeting Minutes


Lakes Area Gymnastics Booster Club Minutes

The Monthly Meeting of the Lakes Area Gymnastics Booster Club was held on 2/5/14at 6pm at High School Cafeteria. Officers Present: Brian Martinson, President: Shawn Piechel, Vice President:Alanna Burns, Secretary: Dan Meyer, Treasurer; June Kovar, Voting member. Other members present: Sara Piechel, Dean Bahls, Heather Meyer, Cindy Parks and Mike Peterson.
Meeting Called to Order: 6:06pm by Brian Martinson
Secretary’s Report: Minutes were dispersed via email for the month of January and approved by Brian, Seconded by Dan. December minutes were disbursed late via email and approved by Brian, seconded by Dan.
Treasurer’s report: Dan dispersed treasurer’s report. Approved by Brian, seconded by Shawn.
Sign Campaign: All invoices were handed out and dues are coming in.
Website / Facebook: Shawn / Sara to get Alanna a list of current sponsors who aren’t due until next year so she can continue to thank them once a week on facebook. When emailing minutes, send to Dan Hokanson, MariannHokenson and Darwin to put on website.
Old business:
Dean is exploring options with West Central Initiative for guidance and help. Will work on getting Kim Embretson to come in and talk to committee members at a separate by law meeting in March. IRS form 1023 was requested and could take up to 60 days to receive. This will give us a lot of insight on how to move forward with the bylaws.
There was not much interest in the Leo Exchange. Perhaps next time target the younger groups and parents to be in charge of.
Brian is still working on getting a refrigerator for the gym. He has access to one, but not immediately. Come spring, we will look harder for a trailer for the can fundraiser.
Dan still needs to look into a debit card for the club for ease of reserving hotel rooms etc.
Parents / HS senior night. $52.83 was spent for parents and $50 was spent on senior.
Butter Braid sales running from Jan 13 to Feb. 10. Delivery is March 4.
Sections meet, Feb. 15; the road is plowed to back of gym, Apparel by Jody and Dawn going well, but had to exchange sweat pants as they could not be ordered in time. Mr. Kosiack will be lining up someone to sing national anthem. Jan Seifert will be in charge of score wall. Mike Peterson will move trophy’s in to new trophy case at middle school. Runners and timers still needed no one under 7 grade. Green tarp for floor is ready. Moving equipment will start at 5:30 on Feb. 14.
Email vote: Shawn Peichel made and email motion on January 30 to have the Booster Club spend $50 – $70 on a gift or cash for Brian Martinson’s father who passed away. Carol Peterson would take care of the arrangements and submit her receipt to the booster club for payment. Yes email votes were, Alanna Burns, June Kovar and MariannHokanson.
Shawn Peichel made and email motion on February 3 for the Booster Club to pay for 4 rooms for the HS team in Minnetonka. One for bus driver, one for coaches and two gymnast’s rooms. Yes votes from Alanna Burns, Dan Meyer, Brian Martinson and June Kovar.
New Business:
Year-end banquet: Invitations will be sent to 6 graders and families. Dean volunteered to help with year-end video. Will be in April with date and location TBA.
KLN has a new food donation request form. An email was sent from Jenna / Sara with new policy.
Sara to check with JH signs to see if we have any outstanding invoices and if the last All State Elite banner is paid for.
Dan will check into a safe deposit box once 1023 and bylaws are established come March / April. All original club documents will be kept there.
Next meeting is March 19 at 6:00pm Location TBA
Meeting adjourned by Brian at 7:33, seconded by Shawn.

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