The Lakes Area Gymnastics Booster Club

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February 2012 Meeting Minutes


Lakes Area Gymnastics Booster Club Minutes

The Monthly meeting of the Lakes Area Gymnastics Booster club was held on 2/15/2012, 6:05pm at Mulligan’s. Officers present: Brian Martinson: President, Shawn Peichel: Vice President, Dan Meyer: Treasurer, Mariann Hokanson: Secretary, Voting Officers not present Tamera Roberts. Other booster club members present were Heather Meyer, Sara Peichel, Alana Burns, Mike and Jen Soule, Lynn Breitenfeldt, & Mark Halbakken.
Secretary’s Report: Brian Martinson made a motion to except report as given Seconded by Shawn peichel.
Treasurers Report: Dan Meyer stated that the only changes to the treasurers report was a deposit of approximately $560.00 minus expenses made from last weekend’s show. He will have the exact amount at next meeting. Motion was made by Brian Martinson to except report as given, Seconded by Mariann Hokanson.
Old Business:
Butter Braids Fundraiser: It was decided by the booster club to give out prizes for the most sales this year. A motion was made by Brian Martinson to do Target gift cards for the top three sellers: $75.00 for 1, $25.00 for 2 and $25.00 for 3rd place. Brian Martinson made a motion to approve, seconded by Dan Meyer.
Skratchers Fundraiser: 10 businesses are lined up for the coupon portion of the Skratchers cards. Initial cost to the Booster club for ordering the cards is just under $1100.00. A motion was made by Brian Martinson to place the order seconded by Dan Meyer. It was discussed that we would not make it mandatory this year but a suggestion was made to collect a check for the amount of the card, which is $100.00 this check will not be cashed unless their card is not returned. This is to insure all cards are retuned. Brian Martinson will talk to Charlie on this all of this for his approval.
Signs: Shawn Peichel said over half of the Businesses have renewed their signs for this year, plus several new businesses have bought signs. He also put out a letter to the parents to see if any of their employers would be interested in having a sign. Shaun will continue to work on this and report back at next meeting.
Web site: It was decided to not renew the web site that was started last year. Amy Olson was notified of this and will cancel it. Alana Burns presented a package for a web page that her co-worker would set up for a cost of 7.50/mo. 90.00 per year for domain name. 100.00 for her set up costs. We will continue discussing all options at next meeting.
Leo Exchange did not have a good turnout.

The Gymnastics Championship Sign is back up on Arvig property west of town by the old car dealership.
New Business:

Shawn Peichel suggested that we should set up or improve on the spending budget for the Booster Club. Dan Meyer and Shawn will work on the old Budget to simplify and improve it.
State Tournament: The Booster club was asked to help pay for some of the coaches hotel rooms. Brian Martinson made a motion to except and Seconded by Dan Meyer.
I Love Perham Gymnast T-Shirts: A new logo was made this year. We are going to have them for purchase in time for state. Mariann Hokanson and Shelli Halbakken will be working on this.

Respectfully submitted by,

Mariann Hokanson, LAGBC Secretary

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