Lakes Area Gymnastics Booster Club Minutes
The Monthly Meeting of the Lakes Area Gymnastics Booster Club was held on 7/17/13at 6pm at SteVelly’s. Officers Present: Brian Martinson, President: Shawn Piechel, Vice President:Alanna Burns, Secretary: Other members present: Sara Piechel and Dean Bahls
Meeting Called to Order: 6:04pm by Brian Martinson
Secretary’s Report: Minutes were dispersed via email for the month of June and approved by Dean and second by Shawn.
Treasurer’s report: Dan Meyer was absent, no treasurers report to review
Sign Campaign: New invoices were made for sponsors who have a sign and have not renewed yet. Invoices were handed out to members who know people at these businesses so they can hand deliver and try to get payment.
Website / Facebook:Need to start a transition for someone to take over the website by November.
Old business: Turtle fest parade went well and we had a good turnout. Hot dog sales at Deans had a $250 profit. Pizza Ranch fundraiser had a $200 profit. Locker plant hot dog sales made a profit of $385.36. Thanks you cards were sent to all businesses and also thanked on Facebook with pictures.
Preorder of clothing: There were 17 shirts ordered from Long Weekend. Still researching pre order sales link onto gymnastics website along with other items, not just clothing.
Summer picnic date is on hold as of right now. But an idea was brought up by Brian to do a fall Bowling / Pizza party before season starts. Maybe kickoff Tulip bulb fundraiser at that time.
New Business:Motion was made by Brian and second by Dean to move forward with the Tulip bulb fall sale fundraiser. The club makes 50% profit on all orders. Alanna will contact company and get order forms to start selling in September. Bulbs would be delivered by October for fall planting. No up-front cost to group.
Parade in Frazee, walking for KLN on July 28. Sara will be in charge of getting volunteers and heading group. Parade starts at 2pm.
Warm up leo’s are in an all are paid for. Some need to be returned or exchanged.
Sponsor sign used in parades needs to be repaired and updated with current sponsor list. Shawn will check with JH signs.
Bylaws need to be reviewed by committee. Will discuss at next meeting.
Brian will talk to Carol about a possible winter fundraiser selling Christmas ornaments.
Warm ups are ordered and motion was made by Brian and second by Dean to make payment to Tom Nelson . When all are in and logo is complete, a total will be given to gymnasts.
Next meeting is scheduled for August 21st at 6pm at SteVelly’s.