Lakes Area Gymnastics Booster Club Minutes
The Monthly Meeting of the Lakes Area Gymnastics Booster Club was held on 3/14/2012, 6pm at Mulligan’s. Officers Present: Brian Martinson: President, Shawn Peichel: Vice President, Mariann Hokanson: Secretary, Dan Meyer: treasurer, Not Present: Tamera Roberts: Voting Member. Other Booster Club Members Present were Carol Peterson, Sara Peichel, Steve & Lynn Breitenfeldt, Heather Meyer, Shelli Halbakken, Alanna Burns, Mike & Jen Soule.
Meeting Called to Order: 6:10pm by Brian Martinson
Secretary’s Report: Brian Martinson made a motion to except report as given seconded by Shawn Peichel.
Treasurer’s report: Dan Meyer read the Treasurers report. Copies handed out to all Booster members. Brian Martinson made a motion to except treasures report as given. Seconded by Carol Peterson.
Old Business:
Facebook: Alanna Burns has set up a facebook page. Please visit us at “Perham Gymnastics Boosters” we need more booster fans!
Skratchers Fundraiser: Brian Martinson has to finalize one local business coupon, then he is ready to order the cards. It will take a week to ten days to get the cards from the Skratcher Company. A motion was made to only order 20 cards to start, and if the sales of these go well we will order another batch. Seconded by Brian Martinson. It will be decided at the next meeting how we are going to keep track of the cards once they are handed out. We will also try to set up stands at events around town to sell the cards. At this time this is not a mandatory fundraiser but would like everyone to be involved. More information will be given at the Spring Show.
Sign Campaign: Shawn Peichel has gotten 12 of the 27 renewals, and got 4 new sponsors. We need help from everyone to get the rest of the signs renewed, as this is our biggest fund raiser. Several members added other businesses to the list and are going to try and sell some more signs. If you know of a business that would like to purchase a sign or if you would like to see the list of businesses yet to be called and think you can help please email Shawn Peichel.
Web Site: will be covered at next meeting.
Butter Braids: Orders are due March 15. Top three seller awards will receive a Target gift card. 1 place: $75.00, 2 place: $50.00, 3 place: $ 25.00. Mariann Hokanson will pick up the gift cards.
New Business:
New Budget: The first draft of the new Lakes Area Booster Club budget was drafted by Shawn Piechel and reviewed by Dan Meyer. They will continue to work on a final draft and present at next meeting.
Equipment Purchase: Charlie requested money to buy equipment for the younger gymnasts. Brian Martinson made a motion to give $300.00 for the equipment purchase, seconded by Dan Meyer
Video: Shawn Peichal made a motion to have a video made of the gymnasts to show at the Gymnastics Banquet in April. Last year it cost around $200.00 and was done by Dave Harvey. Seconded by Mariann Hokanson. Anyone that has pictures from sections or state that they think would be good for the video, please forward them to Sara Peichel.
**It was brought to the attention of the board that voting member had stepped down. The floor was opened up for nominations; Alanna Burns was voted unanimously as our second voting member. Welcome Alanna!
Motion to Adjourn made by Brian Martinson, Seconded by Mariann Hokanson. Meeting adjourned at 7:23pm. Next meeting will be held on Wed. April 11 6pm Mulligan’s.