Lakes Area Gymnastics Booster Club Minutes
The Monthly Meeting of the Lakes Area Gymnastics Booster Club was held on 10/10/12, 6pm at Mulligan’s. Officers Present: Brian Martinson: President, Shawn Peichel: Vice President, Dan Meyer: treasurer, Alanna Burns: voting member, Tamara Roberts: voting member, Not Present: Mariann Hokanson: Secretary. Other Booster Club Members Present, Sara Peichel, Heather Meyer, and Heather Fones, Jen Soule, ?.
Meeting Called to Order: 6:10 by Shawn Peichel
Secretary’s Report: Mariann not present, minutes now on website and emailed
Treasurer’s report: Dan Meyer read the Treasurers report. Copies handed out to all Booster members.
Sign Campaign: 2 new signs going up on Monday, 10/15
Old Business:
Skratchers Fundraiser: Most of the coupons have been expired. Brian has been contacting the retailers to see if we can extend the expiration date to 2013. Most have agreed. Still waiting on a few more.
Website / Facebook: There have been many more likes to the FB page and that is from people going to the website and liking it from there. People are beginning to put in their new contact info and Mariann is creating a new contact list from website. Schedule is on website. One parent at meeting mentioned that it would be nice to put reminders on website. Mariann has been emailing the flyers that get sent home with kids. Maybe put a volunteer sign up section on website for upcoming events.
KLN Fundraiser: Good turnout could have used a few more helpers but it went well. We made $1160.00.
Jackie Mann: Meet is on Nov 30 and Dec. 1 in High school gym. We have permission to use cafeteria for food and bean bag toss fundraiser. Brian is getting boards made. Brian also checking with Brian Mort on snack situation and what we will have available. Heather Fones checking with Mr. Tomporowski on streaming the meet from the gym to the cafeteria. Boosters are not doing a hospitality room for coaches. Leaving that up to Charlie, but we will provide vouchers for a free water and baked good.
New Coach: Jesse is coaching Friday’s. Saturday’s are private lessons for an additional fee. Seems to be going well so far. Light turn out for private lessons.
Fundraising for November/December: Shawn will call Lynn regarding Rada and wreath sales and car decals.
Summer Reunion: Table until later
New Business:
Meet the Stars: October 16. Sarah got ok from Charlie to sell t-shirts. Will hand out flyer that night to promote new website.
By laws: no one has had much time to really sort through what we do have. Tabled.
TShirt order form on webpage? Decided it might be too difficult to keep track of money so Sarah will email order form.
No new date or time for meetings set . For now they will remain on Wednesday’s at Mulligans.
Need to keep younger groups in the loop and perhaps do something for them. Not sure what that is at this time, but hopefully having the webpage will keep them better informed.
Motion to Adjourn made by Shawn Piechel, Seconded by Dan Meyer. Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm. Next meeting will be held on Wednesday November 14th at 6pm at Mulligan’s.